To boost your confidence in a beautiful outfit, we recommend the soft and elastic Litchy Boob Tape. This Boob Tape is designed for multiple uses, such as lifting, covering, smoothing or supporting. Litchy Boob Tape reliably stays in place all day while creating unforgettable moments. We recommend combining the Boob Tape with Litchy Nipple Covers for a finer user experience.
Key Features.
- 7.5 cm wide & 5 m long
- Certified adhesive
- Water-resistant
- Gives a push-up effect
- Available in different skin colors
- Breathable
Instructions for use
1. Before use, apply a piece of Boob Tape to the skin of your chest, chest or elbow and leave it on for 9 hours to check for any reactions. If you experience any kind of burning or itching during the patch test, do not use the Boob Tape.
2. If the patch test went well and you plan to apply the Boob Tape, make sure the skin is clean and free of oils and lotions.
3. Choose the type of top you will wear and check how to apply the Boob Tape according to the instructions.
4. Measure how much Boob Tape you need. The Boob Tape is stretchy, so it is not necessary to use very long pieces.
5. Pull off a few inches of the white paper on the back of the Boob Tape. Be careful not to remove the entire white paper to prevent the tape from sticking to itself.
6. Lift your breasts and position them as desired with your hands.
7. Apply the Boob Tape from the outside in.
8. Press the adhesive side firmly onto your skin and slowly remove the white paper to hold your breasts in place.
9. We recommend wearing the Boob Tape for up to 9 hours. Now you are ready to rock the night!
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